by Lucy Allen

Let’s face it. When it comes to sketch comedy, Second City has always been one of the safest bets you can go with. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder if their newest show Shut-up and Show Us Your Tweets would meet this high standard. Well, if I was to judge by the amount of tears streaming down my face in laughter, I’d say they achieved that task and then some.
How exactly do you review a sketch comedy show? Trying to describe and explain the best jokes renders them completely unfunny, (if that’s a word), not to mention ruining the surprise. Simply put, Shut-up and Show Us Your Tweets is sketch comedy at its best. The last couple of years have provided a large amount of topical cannon fodder for the ensemble to use, and use it they have. They manage to parody everything from: the constant pokes at Canadian premiers, to dysfunctional family relationships, to our always easily mocked American neighbours. The ensemble almost effortlessly delivers each zing with a sharpness and energy only the best possess.
As in all sketch comedy, there are hits and misses, but the misses are few and far between. The cast all have great moments showing off their comedic prowess. Caitlyn Howden and Rob Baker play a husband and wife unsuccessfully attempting phone sex. Reid Janisse and Adam Cawley give a hilarious take on what it means to be a Canadian, and the entire ensemble provides what I thought was easily the greatest moment of the night with a sketch that I will title “there goes the neighbourhood”. I’m not going to say any more than that, you’ll just have to see it for yourself.
There’s definitely more of a political edge to this show than the last couple at Second City I’ve seen. The ensemble takes a few more risks, and there are a couple of moments the audience was unsure of whether they should laugh or not. For myself, I wasn’t really bothered but my sister, who was my show partner this time around, was definitely uncomfortable with a couple of the sketches.
Shut-up and Show Us Your Tweets opened in September, so this review comes fairly late into the show’s run. They’ve had time to finesse and get to know their audience, and it shows. Anyone who loves sketch comedy or a good laugh will love this show. What else is there to say, except check out the show while it’s still running and prepare yourself for a night of hilarity!
–Shut-Up and Show Us Your Tweets is playing at the Second City Mainstage (51 Mercer Street) and has an open-ended run.
-Shows run Tues. to Sat. at 8pm, Sat. at 10pm and Sun. at 7pm
-Tickets are $24.00 Tues-Thurs and Sun., and $29 Fri.-Sat.
-Tickets can be purchased online, by calling 416-343-0011 or by visiting the box office at 51 Mercer Street.
Photo of Darryl Hinds, Adam Cawley, Caitlyn Howden, Rob Baker and Reid Janisse provided by Second City