From Press Release

A new comedy about getting older and questionably wiser
“If you kill a butterfly in the past, will there be dinosaurs in the future?”
One of the possible Effects of Time Travel on Neurotic Homos
You wake up one day in a chasm of space. The air is heavy with the smell of time travel. You are alone….kind of. You are 15 years old, young and full of idealistic notions of art and your future. Beside you stands yourself at 25, a self-proclaimed marketing genius that relishes in the perils of modern day cleaning products circa 2003. You are both there with yourself at 35, sexually charged and unemployed with an iPhone. Welcome to the Effects of Time Travel on Neurotic Homos, a sharp witted comedy about personal identity and how it evolves with age.
During the flurry of media attention for the “It Gets Better” project aimed at LGBT youth, playwright Neil Cameron (The Man on My Face-Toronto Fringe 2011) asked himself “Did it get better?” What would an interaction between himself at defining moments of his life result in? What would they really think of each other and the choices they have made? Neil and company take a hard and fast look through his life at different stages with hilarious insights that beg the question that is central to all of us: “What am I doing with my life?”
A love letter to cleaning products, complete with sex, drugs and Linda Ronstadt, The Effects of Time Travel on Neurotic Homos promises an edgy trip to the past via the future.
Do These Pants Make Me Look Fat?
in association with The Toronto Fringe Festival presents:
The Effects of Time Travel on Neurotic Homos
by Neil Cameron
Directed by Rebecca Purvis and Neil Cameron
Starring Keith McCallum, Nadene Schuster and Neil Cameron
July 3- July 13 2013
George Ignatieff Theatre, 15 Devonshire Place, Toronto
July 3, 10:30PM July 11, 12:00PM
July 6, 5:15PM July 12, 8:45PM
July 8, 8:00PM July 13, 4:00PM
July 9, 3:00PM
Warnings: Sexual content and mature language
Please note that there is absolutely no latecomer seating
At the door: $10
At the door tickets are available at George Ignatieff Theatre starting one hour prior to show time. Cash only
Advance Tickets: $11
Advance tickets go on sale June 15
Purchase online at
By Phone: 416 966 1062, ext 1
In Person: During the Fringe Festival in the parking lot behind Honest Ed’s (581 Bloor St. West)