All in the Timing, Miller’s Son & From the Oven Productions sketch comedy offering at this years Toronto Fringe Festival, delivers a curation of sketches with wit as sharp and precisely placed as a mountain climber’s axe through Trotsky’s skull (which happens to be in the play, and it’s just one of those images that sticks with you afterwards).
Drumming up reasons to avoid All in the Timing is an exercise in futility akin to a cage full of apes hammering away at typewriters, in hopes of penning Hamlet (also in the play). Or as futile as re-living the last seconds of your life over and over, trying to cheat death on technicalities (the play). Or trying to successfully order a burger and beer in Philadelphia (again, the play).
All in the Timing differentiates itself from many of Fringe 2014‘s sketch comedy offerings in that it cobbles together an array of classics from the past, rather than offering up the hasty scribblings of something new. The result is something that may not be entirely new to sketch devotees, but is consistent in its quality and expert in its delivery.
Maybe I’m being hyperbolic. But I indulge in this ecstatic remembrance of All in the Timing only to while away the hours until my joy-shivers finally subside. Is that really so wrong? Judge me not, until you witness All in the Timing for yourself.
All in the Timing is playing until July 12, 2014 at St. Vlad’s Theatre (620 Spadina Avenue, just south of Harbord)
Show times
July 03 at 08:15 PM
July 05 at 11:30 PM
July 06 at 09:15 PM
July 08 at 01:00 PM
July 09 at 06:00 PM
July 10 at 01:45 PM
July 12 at 03:30 PM
Tickets for all mainstage productions are $10 at the door, cash only. Advance tickets are $12, and can be purchased online, by phone (416-966-1062), or from the festival box office at the Fringe Club. (Rear of Honest Ed’s, 581 Bloor St. West). Money-saving value packs are also available if you are going to at least five shows; see website for details
LATECOMERS ARE NEVER ADMITTED TO FRINGE SHOWS. To avoid disappointment, be sure to arrive a few minutes before curtain.
Photo provided by the company