Outside Ethel: Inside is a show created by Dora-nominated Christine Moynihan for NACS Productions, playing now at the Toronto Fringe Festival. It focuses on a lonely elderly woman who needs a lot of courage to leave her home together with her friends, three stuffed toys.
When Habib Siam told us that Jean Paul, the second performer and producer of Wha’ Ha’ Happened Was…, playing now at the Toronto Fringe Festival, couldn’t come to the July 6th show because of a family emergency, I panicked. Spending the next eighty minutes with one guy on a mic wasn’t exactly what I had signed up for. I feared boredom, but I was wrong. The show went by in a flash.
Comedy is hard work and the final year students of the Randolph College for the Performing Arts take it very seriously under the direction of Matthew Walker. In King Stag by Carlo Gozzi (translated by Albert Bermel and Ted Emery), playing now at the Toronto Fringe Festival, the timing, character work, and gags are impeccable and fully entertaining.
Playing now at the Toronto Fringe Festival, Who You Callin Black Eh? by Rita Shelton Deverell (RJ DEverell Productions) tells us the story of a young woman born in Atlantic Canada and now living in Toronto. As a bi-racial kid (white mother, black father), called Our Heroine, she is either not “Black Enough” or not “White Enough.” She is lonely and struggles to find her people.