Toronto Theatre Reviews

Reviews of productions based in Toronto – theatre includes traditional definitions of theatre, as well as dance, opera, comedy, performance art, spoken word performances, and more. Productions may be in-person, or remote productions streamed online on the Internet.

The Cleansing of Constance Brown – WorldStage at Harbourfront

By Olya Ryabets


The Cleansing of Constance Brown is the last show of this year’s World Stage Festival at the Harbourfront Centre. It’s created and performed by the members of the experimental British company Stan’s Cafe and is well worth seeing. The company tells us that the performance “has been made with love” and it shows.

This is one of those shows you should rush out and get tickets for this minute, because not only is it a VERY short run – the show closes May 9th – but there is only room for 35 audience members per show.

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Black Mothers Don’t Say I Love You – CrossCurrents

By Megan Mooney


CrossCurrents, which plays at Factory Theatre, gives an audience an opportunity to glimpse what they rarely – the process of building a play.  I love having that opportunity. 

Obviously it doesn’t take too much to get me excited about theatre, but CrossCurrents gets me *very* excited about theatre.  But I should get onto the specific show, perhaps I’ll find some time during a baby-nap to write about CrossCurrents later.

Now let me talk about my experience with trey anthony’s Black Mothers Don’t Say I Love You.

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I, Claudia – Crow’s Theatre

By Kathy Morgan

I Claudia

I strongly recommend that anyone who has ever in their life been a girl aged 12 and three quarters, or been in contact with one, should immediately purchase tickets the Crow’s Theatre production of I, Claudia, currently onstage at the Young Centre for the Performing Arts. 

Purchase as many tickets as you can, and then force all of you friends to do the same.  Then pick up random people off the street and drag them to the show along with you.  Suffice it to say, this show was amazing.  Unbelievable.  Spectacular.  Heartbreaking, hi-larious, and utterly, utterly exquisite.

Continue reading I, Claudia – Crow’s Theatre

Pobby and Dingan – Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People

by Kathy Morgan

I will be the first to admit that I was feeling a little jaded, and perhaps a little patronizing, as I headed into Pobby and Dingan at Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People (LKTYP).  The show is aimed at 9-16 year olds and titled after a little girl’s two imaginary friends, but the show won me over.  For the sake of journalistic integrity, I’ll admit that my cheeks were a little damp by the final curtain.

Continue reading Pobby and Dingan – Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People

Hardsell – Rick Miller at The Canadian Stage Company

By Megan Mooney

Rick Miller Hardsell

Rick Miller and Daniel Brooks are behind what is arguably my favourite theatre piece of all time – Bigger Than Jesus.  So, as you can imagine, I was all a tingle when I saw that there was another collaboration between these two in the Canadian Stage Company 08/09 season – HARDSELL.

So, was my excitement warranted?  Well, to quote Rick Miller, playing Arnie, playing Rick – “It’s not what I expected”.

Continue reading Hardsell – Rick Miller at The Canadian Stage Company